A downloadable game for Windows

Sea of the Dead is an endless roguelike where you fight through endless hordes of zombie pirates gaining power the further you descend into the pirate ship.

Embark on an epic journey into the treacherous depths of the undead-infested waters in 'Sea of the Dead,' an endless roguelike adventure. Set sail upon and as a fearless pirate, your quest is to navigate through the pirate ship, battling relentless hordes of zombie pirates.

If you were to fall on your adventure, no worries, you'll awaken once more at the ship's entrance, ready to fight once more. Collect powerups to increase your abilities and try to see how far you can go through the Sea of the Dead! 


Kevin Emberton

Khidany Ruiz

Evan Schmitt

Ethan Sears


WASD - move

left click - shoot

right click - melee

space - dash


Sea_Of_The_Dead.rar 25 MB